- So let me put aside the contradictions of behavioural economics and rely instead on economic history .
- 所以,让我们撇开行为经济学自相矛盾的理论,来看看经济学历史吧。
- But until rates are high again put aside short-term thinking .
- 除非利率再一次升高,现在放下短期投资吧。
- Towards the end of 2003 and early in 2004 china 's most senior leaders put aside the routine of governing 1.3 billion people to spend a couple of afternoons studying the rise of great powers .
- 2003年底2004年初,中国高层领导搁下管理13亿人的例行公事专门花了几个下午学习大国崛起。
- To end the crisis every eu country starting with germany must put aside its short-sighted self-interest .
- 要终结这场危机,以德国为首的每一个欧盟国家都必须抛开短视的私利计较。
- The euro crisis scared european union members enough that they have finally put aside national interests to push through europe-wide financial reforms .
- 欧元危机已惊动各欧盟成员,并促使各国最终搁置利益冲突,推行全欧的金融改革。
- If this target is unrealistic then put aside whatever you can every little bit helps .
- 如果这个目标还是不切实际那么,存下你能够存的一点点也会有帮助。
- A senior diplomat who served under mr abe 's administration says the ldp leader is likely to put aside his nationalist campaign rhetoric if he wins office just as he did last time .
- 一位曾经在安倍晋三政府时期担任高级外交官的人士表示,如果当选首相,安倍晋三可能把他的民族主义言论放在一边,正如他上次做得那样。
- The conservatives would have to agree to leave their anti-immigrant and prowar signs at home and the lefties would have to put aside their demands for national healthcare and prohibitions on gasoline .
- 保守派同意把他们反对移民、支持战争的标语先放在家里,而左派也先把他们全国性医保,取缔汽油的要求放在一边。
- Since january mr zoellick has lobbied hard for western governments to put aside a small fraction-0.7 % - of their stimulus packages to help fund programmes in poor countries .
- 从一月份起,佐利克艰苦游说那些西方国家政府从经济刺激计划中留出一小部分:大概0.7%的额度,用于为贫困国家设立基金项目。
- This time microsoft has put aside any complacency .
- 这次微软把自鸣得意抛到了一边。